
15 January 2009

Take my word for it

You DO NOT want to go into a grocery store after having your eyes dilated.


  1. How were you driving????? The last time I had my pupils dilated I had to sit in a darkened room at the dr. office until I could stand to open my eyes. Sunglasses just weren't cuttin' it.

  2. Oh, I believe you. I've only had that done once . . . but really that was enough. Because my appointment was late in the day, I was still feeling the effects the next day *ugh* Hope you are back to your regular self in the morning.

  3. That sounds uncomfortable...

    Once my DD (age about 3 at the time) had to have her eyes dilated so they could have a good look around. I still remember as we were sitting there waiting for it to take effect she looked over at me and said, "Mommy, you look funny" So did she being so wide eyed!!

  4. I did that one time, not the grocery store but a department store, couldn't read any prices at all. Hope you're doing OK, Paula!

  5. I haven't been to the grocery store with dilated eyes. But I did work on my computer with dilated eyes and regretted it.

  6. Heck I normally just plain don't want to go in the grocery store!

  7. OOOOOhhhh, sorry! I bet all those flourescents were just the pits!
