
18 March 2009

Saturday Quilty Friends

Stitching with friends is the best way to spend time, isn't it? That is how I spent my Saturday last weekend. Quilty Friend and I meet once a month alternating locations, her house or mine. Saturday we met at her house and look what she gave me! A treasure box of goodies that included a lot of homespun pieces, a red work hummingbird kit some blank recipe cards, a wonderful vintage red velvet turtle pincushion and three different sets of vintage cocktail napkins. You will see what I use the napkins for in a later post.

Aren't friends wonderful?

I spent the time working on Gail Pan's A Christmas Wish BOM blocks. And by doing all that stitching, I found out that my new glasses (6 weeks old) do not work for closeup stitching! O no! I had to put a pair of those magnifier cheapie glasses on in front of my normal bifocals just to see the stitches. Time to go back and complain, I guess, as this is just not right.


  1. Quilting/Stitching friends are the best!

  2. Time with stitching friends is awesome . . . I wish we were closer *s*

  3. Wonderful, giving friend, indeed ;)...awesome! Two pairs of glasses at once..pushes the envelope of having to wear glasses to a whole 'nother level! I remember once, mine just were tilted incorrectly...from the ear piece fitting...and that alone made seeing challenging. Let's hope it's that simple or easily regrindable! What cool gifts!

  4. That turtle pincushion is adorable. What a generous friend. I have found the trouble with bifocals is that they are "tuned" to focus at a closer distance than where I normally hold my hand sewing so I end up holding the fabric closer to my face, which is not comfortable. Maybe what the optometrist calls "computer glasses" would work better. They focus a little further from your face than reading glasses. Kind of like the middle segment of tri-focal lenses.

  5. Oh, yes. Glasses can be stressful. Hope you get the right combination.

  6. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Happy Birthday Dear Paula. Sorry that Car Guy forgot your special day and BOY IS HE IN TROUBLE!

    Thanks for the neck warmer. It is GREAT! You know how I get chilled so easily!

    Quilty Friend

  7. I gave you a "Sisterhood Award" on my blog today.

  8. oh what a wonderful goodie box!!! poor you about the glasses! needing bifocals sure does stink, I remember when I could probably have threaded a needle in the dark. Now I need the brightest light, and have to get it in just the right spot on my bifocals. sigh, so fun to grow up??
