
13 March 2009

Frugal Friday

Finn and Michele have been blogging about Frugal Fridays. I really like this concept and I have designated Friday as my frugal/creative sewing days since I no longer work on Friday.

Today, I pulled two different pieces of polar fleece from the garment fabric stash along with accompanying accouterments. I cut out two fleece vests, one pink and one blue. I had to piece the binding for the blue one: have you ever pieced swimsuit fabric using a 45 degree seam? Argh!! But I did it. Now there are two vests ready to stitch up and by Sunday evening I will have two new garments in my wardrobe.

The larger leftover pieces were made into bedding for the local no-kill animal shelter. The small pieces were cut into square-ish shapes and will be used for dust rags. They work as good as the Swiffers dusters, at least in our dry climate. The static in the fleece just grabs that dust and does not let go of it.

I busted 6 yards of fleece, two big bags of polyfil stuffing (for the dog bedding), 2 large separating sport zippers and some bits and pieces of swimsuit lycra. And in case you are curious, yes, I have been known to make swimsuits. I have a very rich sewing past and have made swimsuits, prom dresses, wedding gowns, and flannel shirts. I have even done some 3D soft sculpture. You name it and I'll figure out a way to make it out of fabric.


  1. I love the idea of a Frugal/Creative Friday and your solutions to busting the fleece stash! Bedding for an animal shelter is a great idea and so are the swiffer dusters.

  2. Way to go! I'm in awe of your sewing accomplishments. Well done, Paula!

  3. Lots of great ideas!

  4. I love the Frugal Friday thingy. It gives me some great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'll have to try the fleece dustcloth thing. I broke down and bought two microfiber dusters that work well, but, ridiculously, I don't like to use them because I hate the feel of them. If you have dry skin they grab onto your rough patches. I have to admit I've never made a swimsuit but probably have everything else. And I don't sew many clothes any more and am very happy not to!

  6. you are sooooooooooooo prolific!! I'm going to go photograph my GORGEOUS new socks and then blog, so watch for it! they are FABULOUS!!!!

  7. Swimsuits! Your talents never cease to amaze me. I love the Swiffer duster idea. I wonder if that would work here at sea level - not nearly as dry as your neck of the woods.

  8. I also like this idea and think I will follow your lead. Some great ideas.

  9. You really are crazy... Swimsuits, now that takes the cake, although I know that is has to be far less expensive to make one than to buy one. :o)

  10. Good job on Frugal Friday. I'll have to start doing that too.

  11. Super job! I have been doing the same, repurposing wherever possible. and I am with you on the mending. HATE IT! but do it when needed

  12. Good job with the frugal sewing. We try to use it up, make it do or do without too.

  13. I love, love,love what you chose to do with the fleece! Great thinking as well as a great job of using what you had.
    I'm delighted to have you playing along in our Frugal Friday get-to-gethers. Hugs, Finn
