
27 May 2009

Bubblegum Pink and Nile Green

I spent some time yesterday picking apart the pink and green border strips that I received for my labor in this post. Then last night the pink was put to soak in a weak solution of Oxyclean. The same will happen for the green today. I pondered how to use this fabric as the hand stitching was removed. The quilt pictured in this post just using these two fabrics plus muslin is a very good solution. Why? Because the pink and green fabrics are very loosely woven and will need a foundation. The diamond blocks in the photo in this post are made on a foundation. Pink and green -- Bubblegum Pink and Nile Green. What a combo!


  1. Well now, that's pretty rockin'!

  2. Well now, that is pretty rockin! - oh wait a minute, someone already said that.

    Now I am feeling a bit guilty one more time for ignoring my 5 antique blocks...

  3. Wow, what a lot of work! Good for you!

  4. I think it sounds like a pretty good combo - I'm getting a totally retro feel.
    I hope you took before and after oxyclean pics - love to see the change.

  5. and you will show us all the steps right?
