
25 May 2009

Scrap Quilting

Over at With Heart and Hands, Michele is showcasing the concept of the simple Scrap Quilt. I love scrap quilts. Scrap quilting eases my soul and is a very green thing to do. Our fore-mothers made scrap quilts because of the readily available source of fabric in left overs. So, for me, even when a quilt is a planned commission quilt all the scraps go into the bucket for later use.

The first quilt shown was made for TheKid. Through the years of making flannel boxer shorts for him and flannel shirts for his dad, a large collection of flannel scraps was amassed. This is the resulting quilt. Then the flannel log cabin quilt for CarGuy was made. Notice that it is tied; he kept popping the quilting stitches so the quilting was picked out and it was tied instead. This worked better as the tied spots allowed the flannel to stretch. The final flannel quilt is a nine patch and snowball quilt for myself that was later given away. New flannel needed to be purchased for the snowballs and borders. Guess where the scraps went? Each of these quilts is a utility quilt, not meant for show but to be used. And used they have been -- the log cabin quilt is practically worn out. But that is why they were made.

I encourage you to go over to Michele's blog and following the links in the comment section and read how they deal with scraps.


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    This is such a good post. Thanks.

  2. And this brings us back in history and a time when quilt fabric was acquired so differently from the way we do things today - although I do have my thrifted cotton and wool! Brings me back to your point about our fore-mothers. Thank you for sharing your quilts and story. Right up my alley. : )

  3. The more I look at quilts around the web, the more I appreciate just how deep the scrappy and the utilitarian serve our inner hunger for simple beauty in an organic form. These are absolutely beautiful examples, and that you used 'real' scraps pieces of clothing and re-purposed your stitching only shows how you recognize their use. Lovely quilts, truly!

  4. Hi Paula, so glad you are playing along with Michele's request! It's just wonderful to see those great flannel scrap quilts of yours again. They are awesome! Three cheers for scraps and scrap quilts *VBS* Hugs, Finn

  5. What great scrap quilts!

  6. I love scrap quilts too and these are just the best! I bet your family loves using them!

  7. All the 'show' quilts and their prizes don't add up to the joy I get from good old scrap quilts. I think my new motto may be: I'm here for the scraps *s*

  8. Nothing says love better than a cuddly flannel quilt made by someone who loves you.

  9. Great quilts - scrappy is my all time favorite.

  10. Paula, what fun! You've done a great job here. Fantastic post and just down right Rockin' Quilts!!!

  11. Just found your blog.Love that first quilt. I have been searching for a scrapy quilt pattern idea to use up some dark fabrics. Thanks for posting the photos!
