
11 May 2009

Felcos #2

have been misplaced, wah! If you do any type of hand pruning in the yarden these are the top of the line and so easy to use! Last time I had them was out at my employer's ranch. I volunteered (to get me out from behind that desk) to go plant flowers and do a bit of flowerbed cleanup. That was on Thursday. Friday, my day off, was crappy weather, so I spent it sewing. Saturday was a meeting of Quilty Friends and afterward I got out into my yarden to do some of my own cleanup and planting and no Felcos!! Called my boss and he went and looked but came up empty handed.

I am so mad at myself! These pruners were a present from CarGuy, my sweetie, many years ago and I have taken such good care of them until now. Sob! I want my Felcos!

Did you notice the price to replace them? Gulp.


  1. I misplaced my ginghers - they were under one of too many bags...

  2. Good lordy bee, I have no idea how much they are to replace but I know what it feels like to lose things you love. :< Like one time I lost my head!

  3. Oh Paula, that is terrible. Perhaps you should go look yourself. After all men never can find anything unless they stand with their hand outstretched palm upward and it falls into their hand.

  4. I was going to suggest you looking, too; sometimes men can *ahem* overlook certain things. I haven't heard of this type of pruner before but they look formidable. Good luck with your search.

  5. My DH misplaced my felcos a few years ago -- I think they're buried under a shrub up on the retaining wall somewhere -- so he finally bought me a new pair. I thought I was safe from anyone else using them because my felcos are always the left-handed kind (and DH is right-handed) but apparently my theory is flawed!

  6. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I have some Felcos too that I bought at the quilt shop! When she first opened she sold some gardening stuff but not as much anymore. I love them too. Glad you found them (just read about it).

  7. Oh my - you need to FIND those pruners! I grew up with men engineers who KNEW good tools!

  8. I have lost many garden tools in a bed under some plant. Not to be found until the next year. of course all rusty by then.
