
11 May 2009

I Found Them

I am so much happier now! I found them!!! Yipee.

I looked out at the ranch. Nope.
I looked in the trunk of my car. Nope.
When I got home from work, I looked in my bucket. In fact, I took out the liner and everything else from the bucket. I found them under the liner. Huh? how did that happen. I almost kissed them, but I didn't because there were men there watching me. The Felcos went into the house for cleaning and disinfecting and are now ready to rock 'n roll.


  1. Right on! I'm so glad because I thought this entire fiasco was going to ruin our fabric stash possibilities...

  2. I am so happy for you! It is heartbreaking to spend money on something you 'had'.

  3. I am so glad you found them! I agree, they feel so nice in your hand and you don't have to squeeze so blooming hard!

  4. I am so glad you found them. I have certain items that I have used for years and just drives me nuts if I can't find them.

  5. So glad they were only hiding....I certainly know the value of my own pair ( and loppers too ) they are used constantly in garden AND orchard. I think they do occasionally like to hide!

  6. You might want to put the Felcos under your pillow for safe keeping, lol! Some tools are like an old friend, huh?

  7. Pfew! (I did mention something about "under a bag.")

    BTW I almost "lost" my keys in my office again...
    I usually drop them - on just about any flat surface - bad, I know. This morning, I dropped them in the drawer after I put my cereal bowl back...
    (I had to go through all of my motions to find them.)

  8. Oh Happy Day..... I am rejoicing with you. I too have finally found all the missing things I have been looking for. Except for one magazine and yesterday I went out and splurged on another one. I will probably find the first one now.

  9. Yeah! It's so upsetting to misplace a favorite and well-loved tool. I'm so glad they brought themselves out of hiding.

  10. Glad you found them, now you can do some pruning and enjoy the day!
