
23 January 2010

Fabric Magnet

I don't know about you, but fabric just seems to find me. The box containing the nibbled quilt arrived and right on top of the contents was this note. "The rest" that sis is talking about is various lengths of fabric that are going to be marvelous for backings. Yes, indeedy.

Do you make cloth napkins? They make the most wonderful presents. A woven fabric like a homespun is the best fabric to use because it is the same on both sides. I cut my squares anywhere from 14-16" square. Then, using my serger, I just make either a rolled hem or a narrow hem. My preference is a narrow hem using wooly nylon. Easy and quick gift.


  1. Isn't it great when fabric just falls in your lap!

  2. I make napkins as well. I just love the feel of cloth instead of paper. Much prettier as well.

  3. I often make fabric napkins - lots of time you can find great napkin fabric in the discount bin! A cute basket, basket cloth, some napkins, home-made scones or bread, jams... makes a great gift basket! What a fun way to fill the box, LOL! Cheers! Evelyn

  4. We use cloth napkins all the time. I cut up some old tablecloths and made hems. They ain't fancy and the don't match nuthin' but they sure do mop up yer face good *s*

  5. I like that idea- of napkins!
