
21 January 2010

You want me to do WHAT?

My sister is heartbroken. Her dog chewed a hole in the quilt I gave her. Can it be fixed? I won't know until I see it. I think it can, because it is a string quilt. We will see.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Good Morning Paula...
    I don't know about the quilt, but I LOVE THAT SAYING!!! What a fantastic response to mundane sewing like mending, instead of creative sewing like quilting!!! Thanks for sharing that!!! It has made me smile today. Also I love Van Gough

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I'd be boo-hooing too if a quilt of yours was damaged. I hope it can be made like new again :)

  3. Van Gohn aside, mending a quilt is skilled work!!! Time to learn to applique. sigh.

  4. I feel the same way about home dec sewing. I'd rather clean the bathroom than do home dec sewing.

  5. If anyone can do it, you can. Let me know if you need any strings. I seem to have a few extra lying about. LOL!

  6. Oh dear....doggie chewing on quilt...not good...but I hear you...don't know until you see the mom often asks me if I would alter or hem something for her.....EEEEEeeeek! I'm a QUILTER!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe

  7. Yeah, it nearly killed me to hem a pair of pants.

  8. Oh, I do hope it's an easy fix. I've NO doubt that you will find the most clever and efficient way to make the hole whole again *s*

  9. Oh my goodness! I have a quilt that the dog chewed on the corner... she mauled it. Every time I look at it I wonder why we still have the dog. I hope the damage is not bad and you are able to mend.

  10. That's sweet that she wants it repaired. Of course, you could just make another quilt for her. :)

  11. Bad Dog! Hope it's an easy fix...

  12. oHmYgoodness

    so now its strips and strings. hey?

    good luck van gaugh

    oh loved that saying,,,new to me1

  13. You are so right! Repair work is not fun. Teach your sis to do repair work!

  14. Oh no...hope it can be mended...but it might be easier (and more fun) to start again...

  15. I love that quote!
    I sure hope you can fix the quilt!

  16. What a great quote Paula- I can certainly relate to it- Mending is one of my least favorite things.
    As for your sister's quilt- I hope that it is repairable.
    Good luck with your repairs.:O)

  17. Anonymous10:56 PM

    i think i'd kill the dog.....probably why I'm not currently a pet owner;)
