
05 March 2010

Being Green


March is Craft Month, did you know that? I think I did know that, but forgot. I do know that March is National Quilting Month and National Quilting Day is March 20. And before I forget again, you may want to watch the CandT Publishing Blog for crafty type items this month.

Anyway. I have actually done a bit of crafty type sewing recently inspired by Susan Being Snippy. I'm not going to reinvent the wheel here so I suggest you go to her blog and look at her tutorial if you want to make this table covering. Her post made me hop up and go measure my round antique oak table that is used every day. And then I wondered if the rectangular flannel backed tablecloth I bought to use as a design wall many moons ago added to the miles and miles of elastic accumulating in the sewing room would work for this. Yes it would and here is the result made from just things that were around the house. I love it when a plan comes together.


  1. Thank you for the link...good idea too!

  2. My sis has done that for years. It is wonderful - yours certainly looks great.

  3. Hey Paula, thanks for the link to my blog!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Paula you always give good tips, links and advice.

  6. That is so darn clever. I visited Susan's blog and left a little note. Just me being friendly. :) March is a busy month I tell ya!

  7. What a cool idea! I like it.

  8. I have not heard of blogger pages, but looks interesting..have to check it out.
