
04 March 2010

Blogger Pages

You've probably heard the buzz about blogger pages. Well I decided to use it. See the tabs up there under my header? 'Home' and 'Freebies' is all I have right now, but I thought I'd put one up for the various tutorials that I have done too.


  1. Yes, I have heard the buzz and I'm thrilled you're going for it. Right on. Clever and smart!

  2. Yes, I did it to! I added them to my blog, I think they are pretty cool.

  3. I Paula....yes, I've heard, went to investigate and didn't understand the directions....dumb please tell me...if I do this will all the tags...that is, applique` or family, etc. will that be on a tap at the top of my blog........I just didn't get it.

  4. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I noticed it being a new addition but haven't put it to use yet. I don't think I would have noticed the tab though on yours without your pointing it out. Good to know.

  5. Thank you, but. . . . . what rock have I been under? Hadn't heard. I guess I'm too busy cleaning the house to be paying attention. Will have to get back to it! You keep up there on the cutting edge and let us know! :-)

  6. well, no, actually have not heard the news until now, thanks for keeping us up to date!

  7. I had not heard . . . but it looks interesting *s*

  8. I've seen a couple of people add the "pages" but when I look through the blogger dashboard stuff I can't find any reference to it... any hints? Thanks!

  9. Thank you!!! Do I dare...try a KNITTED project??? Your simple hat project is calling me.

  10. Well I haven't heard the buzz - so was happy to see your post! Pretty cool!

  11. I mucked around with it the other day and then deleted it. I couldn't get the photos to go right.

    Wordpress does the same and I liked it, though I kept on forgetting to up date the My Quilts page!

  12. Oh, nicely done with the pages! I stop paying attention for a little bit and then all these great things happen. :)

  13. I didn't hear about these. Where can I find the info?

  14. I hadn't heard, you are so tech savy. I'll have to check it out!
