
03 March 2010

This and That


Using Bonnie Hunter's method of Leaders and Enders has resulted in lots and lots of 4-patches, some with white squares and some with off-white squares. I thought it was time to use some of them so I searched some downloaded patterns and came up with this one. It is a Mystery Quilt from Judy Hopkins called Golden Oldie that uses the Buckeye Beauty block. It is a perfect project for this and will result in a 45" x 60" donation quilt.

The weather here has improved so much and we are looking at a week of warm temps that has the melting snow turning the dirt road into a muddy mess.  There are streams of water running down the road and cutting ruts into it. I guess when everything dries out, it will be time to hire a road grader to come in and smooth it down.

The sewing room is still being modified. Do you know those plastic milk crates like this one? I had three of them under the fabric shelves just packed with yarn. Now there are none. Yahoo! Where did the yarn go? Wool-aid; I'll be blogging more about that later.

CarGuy and I sold our pop-up camper that fits into the bed of the pickup. We bought a sweet little 18 foot fully contained camping trailer. The only thing I don't like about the new one is the southwestern vinyl graphics on the outside. Lizards and spirals and suns -- O My! Those will be removed with patience and a heat gun. After a thorough cleaning inside and out I will try my hand at pin striping. No caffeine for this girl when she has a tiny little paint brush in hand. No siree!


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Oh how I miss our travel trailer days. We had so many good times during our travels with it. I even took a sewing machine in mine and did find time to sew.

  2. I really need to start using leaders/enders. I just use a scrap as a thread saver over and over and over . . . . still such a waste when you see what lovely results can be had instead *S*

  3. Aren't Leader/Ender quilts fun. I always tell people that I used free thread because the thread that is holding the pieces together is what would have ended up in the trash can.

    Camping was a favorite thing for spouse and I. We really need to try it again sometime.

  4. You know I sent that better weather your way.....LOL....the sun is shining here and I love it!!! Take care.

  5. Winter is retreating here, too. Warmer temperatures, brought melting snow, singing birds, and a desire to clean winter out of my house. I'm more than ready for Spring after having snow on the ground since mid-October.

  6. Oh, oh - a new trailer. I'm excited for you. We just picked up our motorhome (from the service folks) and hopefully all is ready for the camping season ahead. I have the new Bonnie Hunter book and haven't made anything but my collection of L's and E's is growing.

    Computer question - oh Ms. guru: I tried to add the html 'text' for the Blogging without Obligation thingy onto my blog and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong do you think?

  7. Oh fun, with the new camper. MY DH is VERY tall and he gets the heebie jeebies in a camper, so that's not in OUR future! Dang it - sounds like fun to me!

  8. That looks like a great pattern. I keep changing my mind about what I am doing for my leaders / enders, but so far I am sticking to the rail fence blocks. Might use them with four patch or hsts though.

    I'm glad your weather is improving, even if it comes at a small price.

    Congrats on your trailer. Be sure to stop by when you vacation my part of the world.

  9. I'm so glad you mentioned this Paula. I've been trying to remind myself to put some squares on the machine to do this with and I never remember when I'm in there. I'm going to write myself a note! I know you're going to love the new camper - getting those decals off might be a lot of work but you'll like it better when you're done. blessings, marlene
