
16 April 2010

Another find in Velma's stash


Remember in the last post there was a third gift of fabric? That was Velma's stash. Wonderful name for a quilt, but I digress. This was also in one of the boxes. It doesn't look like much does it? But when I started to flatten it all out, I found paper templates cut from letters and flyers from the 1920s. The fabric is from the late 1800s, I think, but I am not positive. More research is required.


But look. Do you see it? The frugality block? The original piece maker of this block sewed such a fine seam you can't really even see where the seam is, can you? And just look at how thick that pin is.

Anyway. Remember in my last post I mentioned books and magazines? One of them had the pattern for this block. I also found it online here. In case you want to know, it is called Christmas Star.

This link, BTW, is to a site with a star BOM. Enjoy.


  1. Paula, this is really totally fascinating. Gosh, the things we (you) find. I'm loving this journey, these things you're sharing.

  2. OMG...what a find!!!

  3. What a great discovery, hope you get some quilting done this weekend.

  4. Wouldn't this block be perfect as the center block of a wall quilt or table topper. Something simple that you could finish in a reasonable amount of time and enjoy...I know, just add it to the stack of other fairly simple projects, lol!

  5. Oh Velma - what a lovely stash you've brought us!
