
14 April 2010

The Self-leveling Stash


Recently, the state of the fabric stash has been foremost in my mind. It is massive. Plus I got a fabric burn (similar to a rug burn) on both forearms when I was looking for something in the aforementioned stash. So I have been refolding and reorganizing and doing a bit of purging along the way. It was manageable. Then I got a box in the mail from sis that not only contained the dog-chewed quilt but more fabric. Uh, thanks, I think. I washed it and the stash absorbed the new fabric.


Then, I traded some un-dyed yarn for what I thought was going to be a couple of yards of quilting fabric. Not quite. Two boxes later, the new fabric from V was washed and assimilated into the stash. All the previous work of sorting and purging was totally undone. The stash was back up to the original level.

This past weekend one of CarGuy's buddies called me (ME! who'd a thunk). He had two under the bed boxes of quilting stuff of his mother's and her sewing machine. Would I like them? I'm just a girl who can't say no. Over I went and came home with it all.

Now, the stash just can't absorb any more. Really. So I took these boxes with the full intent of donating the contents. As I was going through them, I found books and magazines and fabric and thread and cardboard templates. O my. The photos? In the first one are four of the 80 8" bowtie blocks that were in the boxes. The second photo shows one of 20 10" windmill blocks. I have put them in plastic bags and they will go to a woman who makes quilts for donations.

I sure wish I had bookmarked the web site that someone posted that tells of the quilting supplies needed for Native Americans 'cause there are a lot of solid colors that would be perfect. Anyone?

The rest will go to my guild for either the donation quilts or to the guild's garage sale.

There were only 2 or 3 things that made it into the stash.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Like you, I wouldn't be able to resist an offer of a sewing machine and/or the rest of your goodies. More photos in the future, please? It's just hard to say "no" to all-things-quilty.

  2. Who can turn down a donation of fabric. But it was wonderful you send some onto other quilters to use. Happy quilting.

  3. Boxes of free fabric......YES! Good of you...I don't remember the post you're talking about but you might Google Native Americans quilters or something...that might help.

  4. Yikes, you really have gathered a lot of "new" stash.

    Here is a link for a reservation sewing group's needs:

  5. Ooops, it looks like the link was cut off. Let me try a tiny url:

  6. I am destashing too. Jacob is about to "need" my stash closet - or at least part of it.

  7. Such a fabulous offer - fabric and machine. Will you tell us about the machine?

  8. I think that is hilarious...self leveling stash...hmmm, I think mine does the same thing!!

  9. Purging. I wondering if I should consider this as I go through and integrate the things I've brought back. I might but... what would I let go of? Am I a hoarder? Well, we'll find out. Now that you have a link I can check into, we shall see!!!

  10. I don't know whether to be jealous of you or to feel pity. LOL

    I was remembering something my mother told me. If you squeeze your hand shut, the water will squeeze right out, but if you open it and are generous, you will get so much more. It seems fitting in your case.

  11. It sounds like the fabric ended up in a place that it should- You are someone who loves fabric and will make sure that it will go to a happy home- Others will benefit from your generosity..
    I love your bow tie blocks-
    Thanks for sharing your fun story..

  12. My stash does not seem to be self-leveling. When I prune it, it just encourages growth!

  13. I'm working on destashing my yarn, by knitting, and donating all of my acrylic!
