
11 May 2010

Bizzy as a Bee

There is so much bizzy-ness that there really hasn't been time for a photo. Of course, the photo ops on what is happening are not the greatest. It would be like watching paint dry. Yawn. What's been happening around La Casa del Quilter? A lot.
  • There is the ongoing knitting. Two different projects are on the needles: a pink donation baby blanket to use up some acrylic yarn and of course the ever-present socks.
  • When Quilty Friend came to visit on Saturday, I spent our time together putting a binding on a Quilt of Valor quilt. It is now finished except for the presentation case.
  • Sunday, of course, was Mother's day and TheKid took CarGuy and me to dinner as a combination Mother's Day and Father's Day. First words out of his mouth in the parking lot were "Happy Hallmark Day!"
  • Quilting commenced on the second of the Quilt of Valor quilts. When I had to pick out some quilting stitches because the edge folded under and got caught in the quilting, it was time to close up the shop for the day. 
  • I pulled fabrics from the stash for two more donation quilts and worked up a couple of quickie designs in EQ.
Note about the clipart. Isn't it funny what one can do with boredom, a black Sharpie and a yellow highlighter?


  1. Enjoy your busyness! Glad you had a wonderful Hallmark holiday...

  2. I see that you are very buzzzzzzzy!

  3. The Kid is right on track with the Happy Hallmark Day thing. Had to chuckle when I saw this, lol. You are always a busy busy girl, getting plenty done, but it's nice to hear that a quilty friend shared some time visiting, too.

  4. Bizzy is right, must be something in the water! I, too, have been suffering from similar buzzing symptoms.

  5. Bizzy is good - will the snow/rain slow you down?

  6. Busy Bee is right! You go girl! 8-)
    Cute "clipart"...

  7. Sounds like good Bizzyness. The clipart is cute. Very professional, I was wondering if you found it somewhere on the web.

  8. I would be delighted to see photos of each of these exciting activies!
