
08 May 2010

Thank you

I want to give a great big thank you to everyone who voted for my quilt in my previous post. The polls are closed and I came in second.


  1. I thought both your quilt and the Hands quilt fit the theme the best, with yours showing more skill and creativity. Hard to compete with a bunch of little grandkids' hands, though. I like the fact that your quilt left me with a lasting picture in my mind of what a mother's love is about.

    BTW, happy Mothers' Day!

  2. Nicely done (even if those silly voters chose another as first). I wouldn't even know how to begin to think about sewing faces. Great job!
    Happy week-end. We're off to baseball tomorrow (even though the Mariners are playing dreadfully at the moment. It has to get better - doesn't it?

  3. Congratulations on second! I think your quilt is very beautiful!

  4. Well congratulations! That's not a bad showing although I did look over the other entries and personally I liked yours the best. Yes, I'm partial but I CANNOT HELP THAT. Dagnabit.

  5. Congratulations Paula. I'm glad you gave the link so that we could vote but also so that we could see what other quilters are doing. It's inspiring!!!

  6. I am glad for you!!! Such a pretty quilt!
