
19 May 2010


Lately, I seem to be waiting...

Waiting to go to work
Waiting to go home from work
Waiting for the weekend
Waiting for the spring rains to stop and the ground to dry enough to work in the yarden
Waiting for the car parts to be moved from the guest room
Waiting for the QOV quilts to be quilted so other quilty things can happen

Waiting for something... but I don't really know what. *shrug*  Have you ever felt like this?


  1. Yes. Not often, but it creates a feeling of anxiety. Or maybe, anxiety makes me feel the weight of waiting.

    Hope your waiting is over soon, and that whatever it is you are waiting for is good!

  2. Yes!! Yes, that is exactly what I have felt I described a couple weeks ago. Like waiting for the other shoe to drop, or something...hope when yours comes, it is wonderful!

  3. Mmmmm . . . last Tuesday you were posting about being "bizzy as a bee" and now you're waiting. Are you living on a carousel?

  4. Hope some fresh and renewing inspiration comes back with the sunshine. Soon!

  5. yes, omg yes.
    Unfortunately at the top of my wait list... Our cruise at the end of November... (That is a long time to wait.) I just hope that there are not other less pleasant things for me to wait for...

  6. Yes and usually it's waiting for a time when there's no one else that could possibly need anything from me (fix this, do that, cook this, iron that, can you find my....can you come and pick me up from....) so that I can SEW!!!!!

  7. waiting for "normal" that possible?

  8. Yes - that is how I feel most every day! I suppose in the back of my mind, I know exactly what I'm waiting for . . . . but it can't happen any time soon. So I must somehow figure out how to make the best of my days rather than be crippled by the wait.

  9. I feel like that frequently. But I try not to, because I've been told that you are wishing your time away, if you keep anticipating the next thing, and then suddenly the time is gone. Live for today.

  10. "They also serve, who only sit and wait."

  11. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. UnfortunatelyI am not a very patient persons either.

  12. Sometimes we just have to wait until the time is right. I usually have a big dip in energy around Feb.
    You will get started again, ideas are just brewing in there, yes I can just see them simmering.

  13. Gosh, this is a great post and the header is perfect for it.

  14. Waiting. . . . . . for news of your latest happenings.

    Any big plans for Memorial Day?
