
26 May 2010

Here Comes The Sun

Once the sun came out from behind the clouds the waiting feeling was gone and I have been out in the yarden putzing around recharging my internal batteries.

The block is of one quadrant of a paper pieced sunflower.  These four blocks are orphan blocks because I forgot to mirror image parts of it and they are all exactly alike. The paper is still in them.

Throughout the waiting, creative endeavors have been happening. One and a half pairs of socks have been knitted and two Quilts of Valor quilts have been quilted, bound and labeled. The third will be done this week end. Then three presentations cases will be made and they will await a meet up with Alycia to hand them over.

Clothing needs to be made. Part of my plan has been implemented. All the fashion fabric has been measured and a tag pinned to the fabric with the yardage and width. All the fronts and backs of the garment patterns have been copied and put into a binder. Now to make a spread sheet with photos of the fabric and the yardage and then match it up to a pattern. Some of this fabric will have to be donated because it was purchased when I worked in the corporate world and will not be appropriate where I work now. What is my work garb now? Mainly tees and jeans because the environment is fairly dirty with bronze dust, liquid latex and molding plaster and I just don't want to ruin good clothes. I can see a lot of shirts and blouses in the sewing future, tho.


  1. You have been busy AND productive. What a great combination!

  2. I am liking the look of that sunburst!

  3. Here comes the sun... literally and figuratively! I haven't sewn any clothes for such a long time, I wonder if I would remember how...

  4. It sounds very busy and very organized. I'd be cutting fabric left and right and then figuring out what I needed to do. Pretty sunflower.

  5. I love the sun! Pretty colors and fitting for this time of year. You are wearing me out!
