
02 June 2010

I am remiss

remiss [rɪˈmɪs]adj (postpositive)
1. lacking in care or attention to duty; negligent
I made a comment on Imagine the Possibilities blog from the Great American Quilt Factory about applique. Lynda had asked what type of applique we did and I commented that I was a "totally prepared type of gal". Imagine my surprise when I won a drawing because I didn't even know I was entering. LOL! My prize was an autographed copy of their best selling (and now out-of-print) book Joy to the World. What a gem this is with the patterns for Christmas quilts, place mats, napkins, stockings and more. And don't forget about some of the delicious recipes!

And they included this neat pattern too!

Photo from Possibilities
Photo from Possibilities

Sometimes it DOES pay to be oblivious. Thanks Lynda and Nancy.


  1. Congratulations. It does look like a good book.

  2. Lucky you. The book and pattern look like a lot of fun.

  3. lol How fun! I guess we could say that you're well prepared for the unexpected?!

  4. Aren't you just the luckiest girl! But then we could "ruminate" about what goes around comes around, or some such. Congrats - we shall now see what follows. :-)

  5. That is too funny - wouldn't you know you win the one giveaway that you didn't even know you entered. The book looks like fun.

  6. What a nice surprise! Cool patterns!
