
18 July 2010


  1. Super Secret Project
  2. Cowboy donation quilt (flimsy, backing and binding made)
  3. Seashells donation quilt (flimsy, backing and binding made)
  4. Moth donation quilt (flimsy, backing and binding made)
  5. Watermelon Slice table topper (flimsy, backing and binding made)
  6. Halloween stitchery wall hanging (only half a block left to embroider)
  7. Dance! challenge quilt
  8. Iris Garden (long term)
  9. Hugs and Kisses (really long term)
I've been busy sewing, can you tell? The photo is of the Seashell donation quilt. This fabric has been in the stash since the late 1980s. *cough, cough* It was time to use it and the coordinating fabrics up. Thanks to Mary and her Quick Strippie quilt pattern, this worked up in no time.

The Cowboy quilt and the Moth quilt are both made with preprinted blocks. Once again a quick and easy quilt.


    1. The seashell quilt is quite striking. A reminder to all of us how cute focus fabric with sharp design elements can make horizontal stripes look so artsy!

      So, can't wait to find out what number 1 is...super secret is always enticing!!!

    2. The strip quilt is perfect for the seashell fabric.

    3. The list is dwindling down quite quickly. You have been busy making beautiful quilts. I too want to know all your secrets!

    4. *ahhh* Inspiring. I have been feeling the bug to get quilting more and more. You might just be pushing me over the edge with your impressive list *s*

    5. I have used some of those seashell blocks in I-Spy quilts. Another one crossed off the list, what a great feeling!

    6. I love the feeling I get when WIPs are finished. :) Good job! blessings, marlene

    7. This is one of those things that make me go OOOOO. pretty!

    8. Good job taking care of those WIPs. I'm doing much the same, but keep stopping to try new patterns, therefore making MORE WIPs! I kind of like that seashell quilt, being a seashore kind of gal! ~karen

    9. You have gotten so much done!! I love your strippy seashell pretty.

    10. Oh I like what Michele said and I couldn't say it better myself. The only thing I could add I guess is "I should try that!"

    11. Stay focus Ms. Paula! Looks like you are rolling along. I need to do the same - you are my inspiration!

    12. That is really pretty, I don't think it would have occurred to me to use that fabric in a strippie but it's very striking. Thanks for sending me the link so I could see and good for you working your way through your WIP list.
