
02 August 2010

Recent Knitting

Bet you thought I forgot all about you. Well I didn't.The end of July and all of August are very busy times for Casa del Quilter et al. I've been sewing, but have nothing to show yet. I've been working on a process post for you. What I DO have to show are some socks and a shawlette. I've been stashbusting yarn, can you tell?


  1. Wonderful, love the shawlette. Can't wait to see what you have been up to. Take care.

  2. You definitely have been productive! Nice Job on all the projects. Sock knitting is a passion of mine, and yours are great, but the shawl is my favorite piece. Did you use an online pattern?

  3. OOOOOO knitting!! The shawlette will be perfect for the cool evenings, and who doesn't have enough socks.
    I ordered the Cat Bordhi book on socks. It took me about 2 minutes to think, "why didn't I try this before?" Thanks!!

  4. Wow. That shawl is lovely. diggin' the socks, too.
