
22 August 2010

I bought FABRIC!!

This happens to be the first fabric that I have purchased (in any sizable quantity) since fall 2009. Yes, you read that right. It has been almost a year of a fabric diet. I have been shopping the stash, doncha know. But yesterday, ah, yesterday. I went to The Rocky Mountain Quilt Festival on both Friday and Saturday.

Friday I test drove all the long and mid arm machines that I could. What fun! I know what I want and now need to start saving pennies and dollars. I also scoped out some booths for a re-visit. I did buy 1 yard each of these three Robert Kaufman fabrics:
Then on Saturday I bought this kit: Pieceful Garden by Mary Sorensen. Pretty cool, huh?

And then the icing on the cake was the discovery of this fabric: Prayer Flag by April Cornell on the Fat Quarter Shop's web site. I had a gift certificate (thanks Suzan!), added a bit of $$$ and was able to buy 6 yards of this luscious fabric.

I did my bit for the economy this week end. Now I need to get busy sewing.


  1. What self control you've shown. Right on! So happy to know you were festive at the Festival. What stunning fabrics you purchased adn that kit - yummy! Prayer Flag by April C. is really divine as well. Oh boy and I am looking forward to the savings process for the new machine. I'll be alongside cheering you on. :)

  2. Wow, great control. You purchased some wonderful fabric. Happy sewing:)

  3. Love Prayer Flag! I have been sorely tempted to pick some up at our local shop.

  4. What an accomplishment! No fabric buying for almost a year. That is not an easy task! The fabric that you recently bought is just beautiful!

  5. A whole year! That great discipline. You broke out on some great fabrics though.

  6. You did good with the resisting of buying fabric for a year and the great buys at the festival!!!

  7. Stunning restraint on your part results in well deserved purchases. Enjoy!

  8. Whew! that is a long time to keep away from the habit of purchasing fabric! I cannot say, I have done so well, even though I have been trying -- my downfall is not the actual fabric stores, but the thrift shops that also have fabric or craft corners!

  9. You brought home some luscious goodies! Good for you~

    I love your new profile pic, by the way!!

  10. What fun! lovely fabrics

  11. Good to be back to visiting "my" blogs. Your fabric is terrific! I mostly bought fat 1/4's and they will be gifts - at least that is how I rationalized it. Like your new blog layout, too.

  12. Oh wow, I really like the colors and pattern of this quilt!
    A whole year on a fabric diet! You are my inspiration! I have not bought any since Feb, (well cotton for wash cloths dosen't count!)

  13. Hope your husband is well on the mend. Love your fabric purchases.
