
29 August 2010

Knee Update

Just a quick post to let you all know that I am still here. Hubby had a total knee replacement last Friday so I've been away, sitting in waiting rooms and then the hospital room. When we can get back to a normal schedule, I will probably have LOADS of handwork to show off.


  1. I hope it's all going well for him. Hospital are NO FUN!

  2. Will keep him in my prayers for a quick recovery.

  3. Great! Lots of new things to look at. Can't wait. Hope his knee comes along well! I've been in your spot, remember don't fall behind with the pain meds in the beginning.
    Good luck

  4. Yes, handwork keeps the mind and hands busy in stressful times. Glad to hear that all is well with your husband. Can't wait to see what you have created.

  5. I sure pray for his safety and healing!! Enjoy your handwork time.

  6. Yowsers - poor guy, but a step to getting better. Yes, you'll be super busy for a while, catching up and helping him out.

  7. Best of luck to you.....been there done that with my father a couple of years ago (parents divorced so I was a surrogate). They're not at their best during physical therapy but you'll both make it through okay!

  8. Glad all is going well and that handwork is there with you. It sure is great company and I'm looking forward to seeing it, too. :) Many healing hugs and restful nights to you my friend.

  9. Wishing you guys the best and a speedy recovery/rehab for hubs.

  10. Good luck, wishing him an easy recovery! Ah, lots of rehab coming up!

  11. Hope the surgery went well, and CarGuy has a quick and complete recovery. Waiting around in hospitals is certainly no fun, but it is good that you got handwork done.

  12. Praying for your hubby's speedy recovery. Glad you have hand work to keep your hands busy and your mind at ease.
    Take care.

  13. Good wishes. I have lots of friends with new bionic knees and they say that it is great. As someone else said, keep the pain meds at a constant level and he'll be up and about really soon.

  14. hope he's doing well! You too!

  15. Best wishes and looking forward to all your project show and tell...
