
03 August 2010

Slice of Summer


This Thimbleberry kit was a door  prize that I won at my guild's retreat two years ago. Figuring that it had aged long enough, I put it together at retreat this year. It hung on my design wall during the Quilt of Valor quilts marathon and then it was time to finish this one.

I added hand painted 'seeds' which just seems to complete the quilt. Because I wanted this to be totally washable since this is a table topper, everything is done by machine except the seeds.


The backing is a soft homespun that washes up beautifully.And here for your enjoyment, is my first attempt at quilting feathers. BTW, I do not have a stitch regulator on my machine.

It is just too cute! On another note, did you know that today is National Watermelon Day? I didn't either but learned about it over at Wednesday's Child.


  1. National Watermelon Day? Well just in time for your quilt! I like the melons and the seeds are the perfect touch.
    I could never get the hang of quilting on the machine, unless it was straight lines. This looks good!

  2. Paula, Congratulations for taking the plunge into free motion feathers. I love doing them--I have several vintage machines, therefore, no stitch regulator, but my favorite for quilting right now is my 15-88 treadle. There are some pretty good closeups in the following post:
    Warning: they can become a bit addictive.

  3. Very nice, Paula!! I enjoy all things "Watermelon"!

  4. How adorable and the feathers are pretty awsome too!

  5. It's great and we had watermelon for dinner this evening! How about that? I love the way you are able to post great big pictures, your blog looks great.

  6. So cute, love the watermelon. You did a great job on the feathers.

  7. You are a braver woman than I. I still haven't taken the plunge into machine quilting, let alone FMQ. Far too scared!

  8. Well, Happy belated National Watermelon Day. I didn't know, but I did manage to eat some watermelon on Monday, if that counts. Your quilt and the quilting look wonderful.

  9. I've never heard of National Watermelon Day but I love your little quilt. You're right, the seeds are a wonderful addition to finalize the quilt. Love the feather quilting...

  10. It's marvellous...very summery! Love the feathers!
    I always say "I am my own stitch regulator"!

  11. Oh crumb! Now I've gone and missed Watermelon Day. Hopefully we can celebrate for a week *s*

  12. First attempt? Dang. Awesome. I'm not surprised though. You do rock!

  13. Feathers are my favourite quilting design, and not as difficult as they look (would you agree?) Yours are lovely!
