
12 December 2010


Did you miss me? I just got super busy with life lately.

For the first time in several weeks, I was able to get into the sewing room today. I am feeling guilty that I signed up for finishing two UFOs in Finn’s New Year’s Eve challenge and I haven’t gotten either one done. So to that end, I made a bit of time today to stitch a backing together for the Halloween quilt from this post. Then I made the decision that this quilt is going to a long arm quilter. If it gets finished by New Year’s Eve I will be extremely happy! The other one is going under the quilting needle on Friday.

I tracked down the one bad bulb in a string of Christmas lights that was making half of the string inoperable. Then I rewound the string around the large (and I mean large) wreath and made a large (and I mean large) red velvet bow for the wreath. Then it went back onto the outside of the house.

The Christmas cards have been made; the graphic designer in me just can’t use purchased cards. Then they were signed, notes written, sealed, stamped and mailed. Whew!

I have gotten the October block appliqued for the Hugs and Kisses BOM and am working on the November. Photo forthcoming.

Socks are being knit for gifting.

My, I’m tired just reading this list.


  1. YES, I MISSED YOU PAULA!! :) I too seemed to let life take me away this past week...

    I love the kitty picture :)

    You are a dedicated woman hand making your cards, how special they will be!

    Happy Holidays!

  2. There is something about the end of the year that gives us a natural deadline, and then the Christmas deadline as well. At least that means some things will get done.

    I just glanced over and saw that my word verification is anticat. Yep, quite fitting for me to get especially with your cat picture! LOL

  3. Who's got time for blogging with all that going on? Making your own cards! Good for you *s*

  4. we had one of those "one bad bulb" situations too. DH went through and tested each bulb and never found the bad one; good thing we had a couple of extra strings (and they're so cheap now anyway... which is probably why they go bad so quickly)

  5. I'm just making the rounds and catch up on everyone's news...such a busy time with lots of preparations going on!

  6. Yes, we miss you!! I enjoy seeing your photos! And wonderful quilting of course!
    Happy Holidays!
