
04 January 2011

Double Four Patch


I love a good barter and I can't seem to stop trading. What did I do this time? It is for another bronze statue. This is from a young new artist. He wants a king sized quilt in earth tones and I wanted this one of a kind bronze. The majority of the four patches were already made as leaders and enders ala Bonnie Hunter so I didn't have to make too many more. I raided my 5" square bins and came up with a lot that will work by cutting them down to 4.5". The rest of the squares will be cut from yardage and fat quarters. This will be a true scrappy stash quilt even the batting and backing are from stash.

This is  the UFO/WIP that I need to finish first. Stay tuned for progress reports.


  1. Of course the quilt will be wonderful . . . . when do we get to see the bronze?

  2. A quilt for a bronze? I like it!

    Obviously your friend knows your quilts are also works of art. He/she is getting a good deal.

  3. A great barter and friend, oh gosh I'm gonna love this one. As I said before, can't beat a four patch.

    Looking foward to seeing the bronze!

  4. 4 patches are one of my favorite blocks to add to a many possibilities....can't wait to see more...take care.

  5. OO the colors are going to look nice!

  6. That is so cool! I love barters!

  7. Sounds like a good trade to me!
