
01 January 2011

UFO Challenge List


Okey dokey. Here is my UFO Challenge List. There are ten projects here, but the Number One project is that Double 4-Patch. It is a commission quilt and WILL BE worked on first until it is finished. After all, I have already received payment so I must deliver, right? There is a lot of applique here folks, five to be exact. Plus one hand piecing project that is more a WIP* than a UFO**.

*WIP - work in progress
**UFO - unfinished object


  1. Wonderful list...absolutely great names. Go, Paula, Go ;)

  2. Oh, I agree with Michele. Absolutely great names. Currently (and not that you asked) but Hugs and Kisses is my favorite. That said, I think the Double Four Patch will be a favorite for daily work. I'll keep that in the front of my mind adding some extra support so we can get that one done. Besides... WHO DOESN'T LOVE A DOUBLE FOUR PATCH?

  3. Great list... good luck!!!!

  4. Your list is far more ambitious than mine. Lol, for I have no list at all!

  5. Happy New Year, Paula!

    Looks like a pretty terrific list. At first, I thought that it was a shopping list with the Echinacea on the top. ;-) Can't wait to see these become finishes!

  6. I love your list!! I think we will all have fun working on our projects this year! Happy New Year!

  7. It will be fun to see your progress on all of these projects.

  8. To my shame my list is way longer than your list. :( blessings, marlene

  9. Great quilt names and an impressive list. I can't wait to see the parade of FO's as they are completed. ~ksp

    P.S. Not to mention you have fabulous penmanship...another dying art.

  10. Boggles the mind!!!

  11. Looks like a great list - although I only count ten unless you brought Christmas Wish back! I hope all your tools and sewing machine cooperate with you in your goals.

  12. Go Paula! Go Paula! Go Paula!

  13. Great list. Wishing you a productive sewing year.

  14. Great list - I know you can do it. And who knows . . . . maybe I'll be inspired to make a list of my very own *s*

  15. I need to make one. It is a credit to you that I have been on a yarn diet coming up almost a year!
    Of course cotton yarn doesn't count does it?

  16. what BEAUTIFUL handwriting you have Paula! ;)

    I see you already have 2 of these completed - way to go!

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie
