
29 January 2011

Moving Right Along


Do you remember the picture from this recent post? In that photo, only the upper left was sewn together and the upper right was waiting. I am proud to say that I've been moving right along on this top, because I now have three out of four sections pieced together. I am hoping that by EOD tomorrow the fourth will be done and then I can layer, baste and quilt.

I am lovin' how this is turning out.


  1. You are lovin' it for good reason: It is gorgeous.

  2. wow, you ARE moving right along! You must be having fun. 8-)) It's looking wonderful.

  3. The love is contagious... me too, me too! What's not to love? It's beautiful!

  4. Ohhh yummy! I love the placement of the blocks and the colors are just irresistible!

  5. I'm loving how it's turning out too... and you're at the exciting "almost done with the top" part!

  6. Wow, you really are moving right along!! I love the colors...very nice.

  7. Me too - it looks great! I am debating whether to do HST or four patch for my next leader and ender project. I might wind up doing a combination, depending on the size of the scrap.

  8. Love it!!! The colors are great!

  9. Absolutely you should be loving the way this is shaking out. Lookin gooood! :-D

  10. oh my gosh that looks awesome!!!! now I want to do that! hey, come on over to my blog I'm having a give away!

  11. Wasn't this a fun quilt to make? I made one like it and used a lot of "uglies" and it didn't matter! It was a great way to get rid of things I no longer liked, and it looked good when it was all finished!

  12. I love how that blue sings in the quilt. Well done.
