
14 January 2011

Progress Report, January 2011


Not a lot of sewing has been happening around Casa del Quilter because of a bit of home renovation. CarGuy removed the railing and spindles around the stairwell to the basement on Dec 31 and I have been living in abject fear of falling over the edge! Finally, I mean FINALLY!, the carpenter came on Monday of this week and the house has been torn up since. There is wood, drywall, drywall mud, primer, texture and paint involved, not to mention the enormous amount of dust. The stairs to my basement sewing room are currently impassable.

I knew the carpenter was showing up on Monday, so last weekend I spent a bit of time at the sewing machine and whipped out this calendar cover. I like to use a small wire bound week-at-a-glance calendar for daily use and it has my life in it. But I always cover them so I can get a place marker (see the ribbon?) and pockets on the inside where the cover slips over the calendar. Unfortunately, this one is a bit small and I may have to make another before the year is out. For now, tho, this will work. The fabric is a deco fabric from my trash bin, that I free motion quilted in wavy lines, the ties are what was left on a card of seam binding picked up at a garage sale and the ribbon was also from stash. 

When the sewing was done, all machines were tenderly wrapped in bath towels and put away. Not a speck of that pesky drywall dust was going to touch my babies.

I also spent a bit of time prepping the December block of the Hugs and Kisses BOM. Once again, it is unfortunate, but I cannot work on it since the sofa is currently in the middle of the room with no direct lighting and no place to set anything. Knitting has occupied my evening hours and kept my hands busy. I have finished a hat and a pair of fingerless mitts since this ordeal began. And just this morning before work, I cast on for a vest. 

When all the construction is finished (maybe Saturday?) then the cleaning commences. *sigh* I keep telling myself how nice it is going to be when it is finished. Yes, that's the spirit.


  1. hang in there! Just remember befor the materpiece, everything is just a little rough.

  2. "materpiece"? should have spell checked!

  3. What excitement! I'm sure the end result is going to be wonderful and well worth the mess and frustration.

  4. Love the ties on the book cover! Great idea.

  5. Yup, you've got to keep your eye on the prize in order to get through this house renovation. No doubt the new look is going to be fabulous! Meanwhile, happy knitting! Nice use of stash for the pretty book cover. :)

  6. It's a pretty calendar cover. I think you will appreciate the "after" much more when the "during" involves sacrifices.

  7. Have been doing a fair amount of knitting myself. Just finished my second scarf, both of which were started in December. I have one more I want to do before moving on to hats!!

    Be patient remodeling is good though messy!

  8. Every year I think I'm going to cover my planner, yours always looks so nice, so far, nada.
    Take care

  9. What a pretty book cover! I've never thought of doing that. Great idea!
