
16 January 2011

Something New

There is a yarn stash in Casa del Quilter. Does that surprise you? It is mainly sock yarn but there is also plenty of yarn to make up a sweater or two. The problem with my yarn stash is that there was no rhyme nor reason on the purchases so when I want to use a certain yarn, I have to search for a pattern, any pattern, that will work with the weight of the yarn, the recommended needle size and, of course, the amount of yarn on hand. A percentage sweater will hopefully eliminate that problem. The beauty of knitting this sweater is that if one know the chest measurement, then the rest just falls into place, because you do not need to follow the needle size. It's your yarn and your needles.

I just cast on for a child's sweater using this method. I have no children running around here, so this will go into the donation pile. It is a good learning sweater and the learning curve isn't too high. An added bonus is that now I don't have to spend a whole lot of time searching for just the right pattern for the yarn.


  1. I'll have to try this. Thanks

  2. Gosh that's very cool. So if I understand correctly the whole thing will come out peachy keen, ha? That is to say, it will all blend in nicely? (ps: remember I don't knit, just crochet so I'm attempting to engage with limited knowledge)

  3. what indicator do you use to start your decreases or to set the rate of decrease...

    I believe it's possible, but it sounds totally crazy pants...more details please

  4. That sounds wonderful - not really being a knitter or a crocheter - it sounds like once you get the percentages down, you could apply that mathematics to all other sweaters you make. Like Kelli, I would worry about the decrease, because I would probably go too fast or too slow and not come out with the right size.

  5. You are just the cleverest and generous-est (I know . . . . but it's a word now - a word just for you *S*) girl in the world.

  6. you are knitting a sweater from a picture>}????? sheeeesh you totally amaze me!!!!!!!!! I couldn't knit if I had a teacher sitting right next to me correcting everything I did! my hat is off to you!

  7. Story of my life, finding a pattern that will work with the yarn stash. My biggest search is for patterns that call for 4 stitches to the inch.

  8. I know a little boy who could use a sweater. I'd buy one if I could find one with shoulder buttons...

  9. I had to learn this the hard way. I didn't make a swatch! I swear I will always make one now.

  10. My favorite method!! I couldn't get a sweater to fit to save my soul until I ran across that!
    With sock yarn? OOOOO pretty, can't wait to see it!

  11. Is this from a book or are there instructions available. it sure sounds interesting. I too have a yarn stash that needs to be made into something. (it's taking up quilt fabric space"

  12. What is a percentage sweater? I have some lovely yarn that I bought for a sweater but as I knit away, I realized I was not going to like the style. Now I cannot find a pattern to fit the gauge.
