
03 February 2011



One of the goals I set for myself this year is to leave a comment when I visit a blog. Now admit it, don't you love it when you trek to the mailbox and pull out a card or letter just for you? By leaving a comment on somebody's blog you give that person the same warm fuzzy feeling that receiving a card gives.

Leaving comments pays off in ways one cannot image. You can make your opinion know by leaving a comment. You can answer a question that was asked within the post. New friendships can develop in a give and take of blog visiting. That has happened in several instances for me. One of those new friendships is Marne of Nana's Quilts and More. I have helped Marne by designing her blog banner. And on a recent post she asked for comments. My comment was short but it let her know I was there and reading her blog. By commenting, my name was drawn in the giveaway and now I get to go shopping at Connecting Threads. Thank you so very much!

It pays to leave comments: sometimes in prezzies, sometimes in friendship but all the time in giving warm fuzzies.


  1. It sure is nice getting comments - and new comments are a real treat, too. :) I agree. Great goal for the year I think.

  2. How true! I still lurk on some blogs...and perhaps I always will. On the other hand, I may just take your advice to heart and see where my road leads.

    Love the pic, by the way. There is just *something* about true handwriting.

  3. Oh I'm glad that the 'gift card'/email arrived. They made it very easy. And thanks to you for being a reader. I'm amazed at how many folks read and never leave a comment. Oh well. Let us know what you decide you can't live without from C.Threads.

  4. Love your SOX pictures on Flikr! Have a great day!

  5. I figure that comments are a way to give a quilty smile.

  6. I try to do that too. It really just depends on the time of the day if I am awake enough to make sense. ;)

  7. Hi Paula, you are so right. It feels great to get a comment, make new friends and get feedback on questions. I also like to become a "Follower" if the person has that feature on their blogs. It makes it easier for me to find them again and again.
    Take care and keep warm.....

  8. I am here! And still enjoying your blog... Yep, it is great to recieve those little notes. I wonder though if sometimes Thumpers Mom's comment holds some people back "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" I have a feeling that is what happens quite often... Though I do wish people would say the honest things but in a nice way,,,

  9. Yes, receiving comments is great and makes me feel as if I'm connecting with others who like doing the same things I do....

  10. Oooh, yes! This is so true. Our comments encourage and inspire many people, probably far more than we will ever know. I treasure the connects I have made through blogging and enjoy leaving a little note as I make my rounds. Finding a note from a newbie is always a nice surprise, too. I chuckle when a note begins with "I've been lurking"! :-D

  11. I totally agree! I try to leave a little something everywhere I visit. I've also whittled down my list so I can get to everyone!

  12. Definitely warm fuzzies.

    I don't comment enough cos the list of blogs gets longer and takes up more time.

    Lucky you with your win!

  13. Paula I set that very same goal this year. I'm still not where I want to be in following through on it but I'm better. I love the comments I get on my own blog so I know what it means to someone else. Thank you notes are another goal. blessings, marlene

  14. So very true! Thanks for your thoughtful post and the comment you left on my blog.

  15. Thanks for your comments about commenting, Paula. I don't have a blog but I enjoy leaving comments; I don't do it as often as I'd like because I receive blog posts through Google Reader. A long list means I go directly to only some of the blogs or I'd be forever.

    If I comment about a quilt, or something else, I try to be specific rather than always use the common adjectives such as "gorgeous", "great", etc. I might mention the quilter's use of color or her workmanship for example.
    I never expect a blogger to respond to my comment unless I ask a question. Bloggers are busier than I am!
    Kathleen C. in CT

  16. Great post, Paula, all warm and fuzzy-like! :)

  17. Congratulations on your win. I've seen lots of people buy boatloads of thread from CT.

    It is a great banner and blog layout.

    I don't think people don't comment because they can't say anything nice - at least I hope not. I certainly hadn't thought of that. I think it is that they can't think of anything interesting enough to say, or think that everyone else probably covered whatever it was that they wanted to say.

  18. Comments are kind of like a smile when you someone passes by. I do enjoy your blog and will keep passing by and hopefully smile along the way.

  19. What a great idea- I do try and comment on the posts I read but as my blog list has grown I don't leave as many as I first did.
    Still commenting does help to build relationships.
    I hope you will stop by in the next few days as I am participating in OWOH blog festival. It is a great festival where you can meet lots of different kinds of people sharing their love of creating.

  20. I love to be a participater . . . . and the way to achieve that in the blogosphere is by commenting (and responding to comments left) I have found friends this way that I would have never known otherwise. I surely count you high on that list. Commenting *rocks*

  21. After being in a commenting funk for a few months, this post was just what I needed. It started me to thinking about many things. It's not always commenting for comments, is it? Thanks.

  22. Anonymous1:19 PM

    It always gives me a smile to see a new comment too. I love visiting blogs and I try to leave a little something to show I was there :) it's nice to know that others visit.

  23. I agree, there is nothing like mail, snail or high tech variety!

  24. you are so right about the warm fuzzies :) I love comments and I find that by leaving comments often on the blogs I read has increased my traffic flow to my blog. I've never been a part of a blog ring... do they still do those even? But joined blogger just so I could leave comments. :) I'm so thankful that I became a blogger.

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie
