
02 February 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Brrrr



  1. Oh yes, Brrrr.... definitely!

  2. Oh I like this one. It sort of opens up the imagination.

    It also reminds me of what my car window might look like in the morning (when I was a kid growing up in the mountains out west).

  3. It makes me cold just looking at it. Today it is supposed to be a balmy 62° with sunshine. Still 10° above normal. Don't think we have had a "normal" temperature day all winter!

  4. Oh my.... that is cold! Fortunately for me and the rest of the folks in this area who are tired of winter already... it's supposed to be near 70 today. And, since it was raining this morning, Mr. Groundhog didn't see his shadow so Spring isn't far away!!!

  5. Brrrrr here, too.

    I'm sure the groundhog saw his shadow, so more cold is sure to follow.

  6. I hear ya! buried in snow. more on the way Saturday. enuf already!!

  7. We had an ice storm - everything was a sheet of ice, then yesterday we had snow, then cold and wind. Not as bad as other parts of the country, but irritating nonetheless. I think we just have the cold for a couple of days before the next wave.

  8. Unfortunately, I have several windows that look like that this morning-- it was 23 below here in Moriarty, NM when I got up this a.m.--and I slept late, knowing neither of us had school. I think it may be a record low--and I was told it was 10 degrees colder out at the airport. As beautiful as frosted windows are, I'm ready for spring!
