
11 April 2011

No Time

No time, no time, no time, no time
I got got got got no time
No no no no no no no time
I got got got got no time
-- The Guess Who, 1969
I never realized how many songs there were with the title of "No Time" until Googling. Who would of thunk it? I really do not have a lot of time lately. I've been back and forth to Denver a lot. If you know anything about me, then you know it has to do with Auntie. I am so unfocused right now I can not concentrate enough to sew. Yes, you read that right, no time to sew, at least by machine. It has been several weeks since I've sat down in front of the sewing machine. Hand work, OTOH, is a good thing.
  • I've finished up an alpaca shawl and I can not decide if I want to over dye or leave as is. It is spread out on the guest bed awaiting my decision.
  • And a new pair of socks have been cast onto the needles for a very portable project.
  • I've started another AAQI Priority Quilt using a piece of vintage textile that has been floating around the sewing studio for years. More on this later.
  • The flowers have all been appliqued onto the sashing cornerstones of the Hugs & Kisses quilt. I have now started assembling the flowers for the border. The border will be sewn on and THEN appliqued rather than the other way around. See me thumb my nose at the quilt police?
I’ll post when I’m able.


  1. Gosh. I so remember that song! And I so understand how you are feeling right now. Hope life levels off for you real soon. You've inspired me to dig out a hand project - I think I'll make that a must do for tomorrow.

  2. I do see you thumbing your nose at the quilt police and it would make a great shot, too! :)

  3. That song will be in my head all day! I can sooo relate to it. Hope all is well with Auntie.

  4. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could invent the 30 hour day for times like this. :)

  5. Handwork is our saving grace when our days are busy. Hope all is okay with Auntie.

  6. I am glad to hear you do that as it makes me nervous to trim a border down on both sides after applique. I might still cut it wider and trim the outside to straighten it after the applique but don't have anything right now to test my idea.

  7. Ya gotta do what you gotta do! We'll be here. 8-))) Take care.

  8. Well I certainly understand that life gets in the way.
    When I saw that you'd been back and forth to your "Auntie's" it made me smile. I had a wonderful great aunt who I lovingly called Auntie!

  9. My prayers are continuing to be sent for you and your Auntie. You are such a sweetie to tend to her. I am glad you are able to do some handwork to help with the stress.
