
07 April 2011

Church Bells

I work downtown right next door to an historic church. Every day at precisely 12:00 noon the church rings it's bell and then plays a hymn. Originally, the bell was a bronze bell, but it has gone digital. I have gotten in the habit of eating my lunch when I hear the bell. Kind of like Pavlov's dog.


  1. Now that's charming. No. If you'll allow me - heavenly.

  2. Very cool. After lunch, do you do a bell-y dance? Sorry, couldn't resist : )

  3. What a delightful way to begin your lunch.

  4. What lovely music to have lunch by. One of our churches in town does the same thing. Are the fires under control yet?

  5. I love bells. At one time in my life, I started a bell collection. Ended up with a few hundred. Got tired of polishing them, so they are in the back of a closet. But when it comes to the large bells, I really love all the overtones!

  6. What a nice way to start your lunch! I love hearing church bells, and it seems like they are getting rarer now.

  7. How divine is that! Digital now, huh? Wow...I guess I wouldn't even have given it a thought. I suppose many churches have that technology by now. Interesting.

    Love the view of that roof line, too!

  8. Beautiful! There is a church close to me, and I always hear the bells at 9 pm, (usually out with the dogs)! Funny how that becomes part of the day!
