
03 April 2011

There's a Forest Fire Goin' On

If you know this part of Colorado, then you will know where Redstone Canyon is located and how rough the terrain is. This fire, known as the Crystal Fire, started on Friday at 25 acres and now is up to 4500 acres. My heart aches for the evacuated home owners, the fire fighters and the forest. We did have a cold front move through this afternoon that put about 1/2 inch of snow down, but this fire is only 5% contained.


  1. The lack of moisture since early February and these high winds (up to 65 in central NM today) are very scary.

  2. This is terrible, I hope they get it under control soon. Thoughts and prayer are send along. Take care.

  3. Amazing how something so scary can be so beautiful. I hope they get ahold of it.

  4. It is beautiful. My prayers are with the families and firefighters as well.

  5. Much too early in the year for forest fires.

    We've got a similar problem. Because of the lack of rain we're on no bonfire's until at least the beginning of May.

  6. I hope this is not a harbinger of another long fire season.

  7. Oh my, how tragic. And the poor animals. How very sad. Our thoughts are with you all.

  8. Wildfires are really the scariest of the natural disasters. I hope that conditions quickly change to allow the fire to be put out!

  9. This is the stuff of nightmares! Let's hope there is more snow or rain to aid the dousing of this fire.

  10. Oh - awful! We can't seem to get out of the grey and drizzle - no chance for any fire to start here. I'll follow along in the news to see what happens.

  11. That's so tough for the people who have to evacuate. I hope that they are able to get it under control with no houses lost and no firefighters hurt.

  12. Oh, I hope that those brave fire fighters get this one under control real soon

  13. I can't imagine! It looks so scary, we are used to the idea of tornadoes here! But fire! Wow! Hope it rains for you soon!
