
14 November 2011

Drive The Cold Winter Away

Drive the Cold Winter Away

This quilt top is the result of participation in the LQS October Mystery Quilt class. Not too bad, eh? The fabrics are all from stash and feature a lot of snowflakes, hence the name of this post. I plan on donating this quilt somewhere, but haven't decided where yet. Over the weekend, I not only finished the top but pieced a heavyweight flannel that been in the stash for years into the backing and also made the binding. It is ready to sandwich and quilt.


  1. Well that is certainly different Paula! What an interesting pattern! I like it! 8-)

    Good for you getting some of your stash out of your way!!! Something I need to do!! LOL!

    Happy stitching!

  2. Lovely quilt - very unusual ... and now I'll be humming Loreena McKennitt all day :)

  3. Cool quilt... love that you are using stash fabrics! Wherever you donate this quilt, I'm sure it will help keep someone warm this winter!


  4. When I saw the colors it made me realize that green quilts just don't come up that often. Why is that? I love green! That's a really neat quilt and someone will be a very happy recipient.

  5. I love your green quilt, truly "green" too since it came from your stash. Well done. I heard you've already had some flakes falling in your little corner of the world. Drive it away, I'm with you. (Unless, of course, I'm skiing... my only use for snow.)

  6. Great job. I like the design - a new one to me.

  7. Love your quilt, I thought of little leprechauns and 4 leaf clovers immediately but I do see the snowflakes as well.

  8. Your quilt screams to be Irish - got to love that.

  9. Great quilt - I'm a little scared of the mystery quilt class.

  10. Looks great - kind of like spinning flowers... in hopes of spring?
