
11 November 2011

This Old Tree

Recent storms have caused major tree damage locally. It was too early for those heavy wet snows as the trees were still in leaf. This old tree is on a street near my workplace. You can see all the woodpecker holes plus there are lots of squirrels who like to nest in this old tree.Do you know what that means? The heart of the tree is weak or destroyed.

Here is what happened to the other branch of this tree. This old tree is/was about 100 years old and below this shot, the trunk is about 5 feet across. It is sad, but the whole tree will probably have to come down.


  1. That breaks my heart, if that old tree could talk...

  2. Trees are a real treasure to all life forms - year round. When it's gone, this tree will leave a hole in the sky.

  3. It is sad, but trees only have so long a lifetime, too. Different kinds of trees have a longer life that others. You can tell by the fact that there are so many woodpecker holes that this tree has been dying for a long time!! If it was in the forest, it would fall and rot and provide new life for other species of woodland life.

  4. :-( Poor old tree. Reminds me of The Giving Tree story.

  5. So sad. We have a really old walnut tree. Must be over 200 years old. It'll break my heart if it fell.
