
23 January 2012

Design Wall Monday 01-23-2012

Lots of things are happening at Casa del Quilter! The fabric storage in the sewing room is getting reorganized --  inspiration by Mrs. Goodneedle. No photos of the reorg, sorry. But. Progress is being made on the AAQI Priority Quilts. The Road Knight quilt is spray basted, layered and ready to quilt. Plus, I dug out an old orphan block and made it into another Priority Quilt. When I was rummaging around in the box, I found another little block (the Lemoyne star) that I'll make into another AAQI quilt. And then buried at the bottom of the box were 4 unused pieced borders. Using the black fabric to the left and those pieced borders, another Quilt of Valor quilt top will be pieced in 6 inch wide pieces. The two black/yellow/white sunflower fabrics will be another strip quilt. All this discovered while cleaning out the fabric closet.

I plan on covering the outside baseball cap with sequins for an upcoming quilt retreat whose theme is "Get Your Bling On!".

For more design walls, visit Judy at Patchwork Times.


  1. Such fun and a great assortment! Love how you repurpose,'re a quilter after my own heart!

  2. ya never know what your gonna find when there's cleaning in the sewing room. The sunflower fabric is great. Wish I could find some of that in my sewing room :)

  3. My closet continues to reveal hidden (buried!) surprises... although, they're no longer in the closet, they are now mountains that have been relocated into the sewing room itself. No choice but to navigate them or die trying. I love what you've found, I look forward to seeing more. Why? I suppose because misery loves company~ Ha!

  4. How fun. I love the idea for the hat and "get your bling on" is a neat theme. Very creative and fun.

  5. What a great assortment of projects you have uncovered. Looks like you are going to have some fun with those.

  6. Holy have been busy! Love all the goodies on the wall
