
30 January 2012

Design Wall Monday - January 30, 2012

Well, it is still Monday and here is the portion of the design wall that has changed. I have been re-organizing the sewing room this last week and half. All the fabric came off the existing shelves in the fabric closet and more shelves were installed. Then all the fabric went back in plus the stuff that was stashed everywhere else. Yay! it is all in one spot now. What you see up here that is new are the two fish fabrics plus that purple to the right and the dupioni silk in the center. I plan to use the silk as the top of a quilt and the backing will be the fish fabrics, the purple and an orange or possibly a yellow.

Here is the fabric closet with all the fabrics and ufos. The pressing surface is there to the right with a bag that needs repairing sitting on top. The orange plastic bag hanging down from another shelf holds selvages. I love to use them to tie up cords and things.

Here's the opposite corner of the room. I moved out an antique cherrywood bookcase with glass doors that used to hold the FQ. I moved in the hand quilting frame. You can actually see a lot of quilts in this photo. There are two tops draped over the back rail of the frame. In the rocking chair is one completed quilt draped over the back and in the seat is a basted quilt waiting to be quilting. On the wall you can see the fabric for two, count 'em, two more quilts. I need to get busy.

For more design walls visit Judy L at Patchwork Times.


  1. Your room is looking good!

  2. Yay, you! I am looking at a familiar sight; one that makes my heart sing with joy!

  3. I love all your organization! My fabric closet would scare any seasoned quilter at this point. Definitely needs reorganizing. but sew little time which I am choosing to use for other quilty things.

    do you hand quilt all of your quilts????

  4. Isn't it great to have everything where you can find or see it or touch it!!! Your sewing room looks great and oh so organized!!

  5. Those stacks of fabric look so lovely!
