
08 July 2013

Quilt #1

This is the first quilt that I quilted on my Handi Quilter Sweet Sixteen.


This is a panel that I dug out of the fabric stash. As it was a bit short, I added a series of borders on the top and bottom.

It took me a while to quilt this as I am still in the learning and playing mode on my HQSS.  I laid in the straight lines around the blocks and borders. Then I filled in the blocks with a simple meander. The sashing and like colored borders were done with a wavy pattern. The colored borders were done in a psuedo cathedral window. Here's a shot of the back.


This is the back that I showed last week. Remember? the one with the tucks? I can see that I need to pick some thread from it and that I had a bit of tension problems here and there, but overall I am pleased. It will only get better, right?

Top thread and bobbin: Signature 40wt quilting thread
                                     Color: Fawn

Follow this link for more Design Walls, at JudyL's Patchwork Times.


  1. Great job Paula! Meandering looks fantastic!!

  2. Having attempted machine quilting on a frame I understand how difficult it can be. Your quilt looks really very nice for a starter quilt so pat yourself on the back. No doubt you will not only improve but excel! Happy quilting. :-D

  3. Practice makes perfect!!
