
12 July 2013

The Fleegle Heel

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Ok, then, here's another heel.

Here is the Fleegle Sock which contains the Fleegle Heel. What can I say about this? It is a toe up sock pattern which I don't like. I dunno why I don't like to knit from the toe up, but I don't. The heel itself, is really quite easy, in fact it is the easiest I done in this series. It was the gusset stitches where the increases happen where I found that I lost track. That's just me, though, because I need to be able to concentrate on something new and it was just way too noisy when I made these socks.

I was going to do a pair of socks using the Strong Heel, which is a heel designed by Gerdine Crawford-Strong that reminds me of the Fleegle heel but it is worked top down. Frankly, I got a bit bored with this one, so if you want to knit the Strong Heel, here's a link:

So, are you knitting this summer? Visit Judy L at Patchwork Times for more On The Needles posts.


  1. Love that yarn! I agree, toe up is not my favorite way of knitting socks.

  2. Your socks look great. Toe up is my favorite way to knit socks and it is really because of the heel - I don't like picking up stitches. We all have our favorite technique and our results are all the same - wonderful hand knitted socks.

  3. I may try that on my next pair of socks. Thanks!

  4. Fleegle Heel - sounds like a folk dance.

  5. I couldn't knit a pair of socks if it was the only way I could get them!! My piggies would freeze!

  6. love that yarn / where did it come from ?
