
28 February 2019

February 2019

I lead such a boring life. The hoarder house cleanup is continuing. Dumpster #3!!!! is almost full; this is a 20 yard dumpster so it is a bit smaller. I will be so glad when this whole thing is behind us. The worst part? Nobody else in the family is helping. Oh yes, they all want their share of the money from the sale of the house, but help? Nope, nada, no.

I have started to quilt the king sized quilt that I mentioned last month. It is slow going since I am spending a lot of time away from my quilting machine.

In the evenings I have been crocheting and knitting baby blankets for Project Linus. The last meeting I attended was at the beginning of December before I got ill (I think that house made me sick) so at this month's meeting I turned in 2 blankets that I worked on in the evenings.


  1. May the clean up end soon so you get your real life back.

  2. Write a bill for every hour spent preparing the home for sale. Submit it to the attorney handling the probate. Yes, I'm serious. it took me 1 day to empty Mom's home but you? You deserve to be paid for the work.

  3. Maybe that house is the culprit for your illness. It sounds like a toxic dump. The last time we had a situation where a family member had to empty and sell a house, a person was chosen and agreed on to take care of financial concerns, possessions and the house as they saw fit, and as agreed from the beginning, they were paid for their time and reimbursed for all related expenses, including travel. I’m happy to see that you are getting some relief by doing what makes you happy and you can rest.

  4. Yes, what Elle and Kim said! You have given up your life to do this, you should be reimbursed for it. I am currently clearing out the 5 bedroom house that we've lived in for 20 years to get it ready to go on the market and I'm by no means a hoarder, but apparently my kids were! It's taking forever to go through what they left here. You deserve to be reimbursed for every minute you have spent doing this!
