
31 March 2019

March 2019

Well dumpster #3 was filled and dumpster #4 is on order. How can one house hold so much stuff?!! I am washing all the dishes, flatware, china and crystal so I can see what is there. I am doing a crash coarse on glassware so I know what is worth marking up or down. There is some lovely stuff, that is if you are into glass and china.

Winter is still around but signs of Spring are appearing at Casa del Quilter. I like to walk around the yard to see what has poked it's head above ground.

I love to doodle quilting patterns and this one was really difficult to figure out directions. But perseverance paid off in the end. This would be good to use on a 16 patch, wouldn't it?

1 comment:

  1. I love glassware but my cupboards have a finite capacity (sigh) and honestly we tend to grab the large non-breakable tumblers more often than not. Four dumpsters - wow. Hoping this is the final one.
