
11 March 2009

How Very Odd

Recently, I found myself in-between projects. This doesn't happen very often to me.

The basket of leftover sock yarn was empty after knitting up 38 barn-raising squares. Of those 38 squares, one square used two different yarns and another used three different yarns. If you are keeping track, that is 41 different pairs of socks Wowza!

The kit for Quilt Retreat has been cut and packaged in the container just waiting to be sewn.

Yes, there are quilt tops to be sandwiched and then quilted, but not right now. What to do? I felt no obligation or rush to do anything fiber related. I did not feel at loose ends, though, just relaxed. How very odd.

As another load of laundry went into the wash, I realized that there was mending to do. Mending is not my favorite things, but frankly, I was tired of wearing ill-fitting clothes. I had a mission! A pair of sweat pants ended up with a new waistband and was shortened from waist to crotch, two pairs of corduroy pants were taken in at the waist, a bathrobe zip was mended and seams deepened, another bathrobe had crocheted belt loops added, a fleece jacket's collar was restitched onto the jacket body, and a flannel sheet made to fit a 14" pillow top mattress was remade to fit a 9" mattress.

But wait, that's not all! Blocks were prepped for two different block of the month quilts: Noah's Ark by Lynette Anderson and A Christmas Wish by Gail Pan. All the blocks for Noah's Ark have been offered and three of nine blocks on A Christmas Wish are available.

Homemaker stuff was completed. You know, things like laundry, dusting and vacuuming. Croutons and bread crumbs were made from one of those loaves of sourdough party bread. And a peach cobbler was baked and partially consumed.

The in-between projects did not last very long but a lot of other things were accomplished.

Asking a quilter to mend, is like asking
Picasso to paint your garage.

And I cast on for another pair of socks.


  1. Oh, yeah... I know all about the dreaded mending, you've been one busy lady! But, your feet we no doubt warm!

  2. ...WERE no doubt warm...

  3. Sounds like "check box" moments to me.... Sometimes-- as along as I'm playing with a needle and thread-- I don't care what I'm doing....Have some cobbler for me...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. got a lot done!

  6. What a successful day! Sounds like you can do housework as fast as you can knit!

  7. wow wow wow! you are an achiever!! I bet that felt good, especially the part about taking IN the clohtes, don't think I missed that missy! good job on all of it, and do we get to see pictures of the knitted blocks?

  8. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Um...would you like to pay a visit to chez moi and lend me a hand? You have much energy and I could use you ;D

  9. That is some awesome productivity. I guess Connie W has dibs, but feel free to drop by my house on your way home!
    My daughter has finally gotten to a point where she doesn't grow out of her clothes anymore, so my mending pile has gotten bigger.

  10. Lately I've been finding a lot of satisfaction from those housewife-y chores. Hmmmmm . . . I wonder if I'm coming down with something *s*

  11. Hey, I keep trying to GET to that stage of 'relaxation' or 'satisfaction' with what I've done. I always am wanting to get to the next one, and the next, (almost like pressure!) seldom (like you are) feeling satisfied with the many accomplishments. I sometimes WAs that satisfied with a hand quilting project in my lap -- now, how to I get 'there' from 'here'?

  12. How are you at hemming skirts?

  13. Wow! You've been busy! I love it when I get a lot done!

  14. My goodness, you were very productive with your in-between time!
    Hope this doesn't happen to me!!
