
08 March 2009

The Heat is On

It's been an expensive time around La Casa del Quilter. You would think that the money flows like wine. Remember the post about the oven? Well it is partially fixed. CarGuy determined that one of the door hinges was bent and he bent it back as much as he could. This repair will have to do; it only leaks enough now to be 15 degrees off in the right front corner rather than 50 in the center.

Do you want to know why we are not going to fix it or buy a new one for a while? Our forced air furnace has decided to misbehave to the tune of $625.00. Yikes! It started making sounds in the early morning like when you put athletic shoes in the dryer. Do you know the sound? It seemed to only do it in 'Recovery' mode. Turns out it was the blower motor hub. O, and did you know there are circuit boards in a forced air furnace? Who knew?

A new oven will have to wait.

I have been busy knitting: 2 pairs of tube socks, another rasta hat and 3 pair of heeled socks.


  1. you POOR thing!!!!!!!!!! I remember when we moved into our house and turned the furnace on the first time, it sounded like a jet plane was landing in the basement! turns out no one had bothered to have it cleaned out - it's an oil burner- in YEARS! talk about clinkers! Oh and I am totally in LOVE with those striped socks on the bottom!!!! the dark ones -black? with the thin thin coloed stripes! LOVE those!!! if they need to go visit some cold weather...................

  2. So, the socks and hat came in handy when the furnace was out? Your knitting expertise is wonderful, well done, Paula! Maybe all major purchases have been satisfied now... one can only hope, right?

  3. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Things have a way of happening like this and it's never easy on the pocketbook. At least it's not an entire furnace to replace. I'm in awe of your knitting, of course, sitting here drooling as I admire all these lovely socks.

  4. Those socks are beautiful and would feel so good right now. We just got another 3 inches of snow - and sometimes we can go all winter without any. Fixing your furnace is a good call!

  5. Why is that everything seems to go all at once? It ain't right!
    Maybe it happened this way because the best deal ever on the stove of your dreams is just around the corner . . . . keep your eyes peeled *s*

  6. Why is it that appliances all seem to go at the same time? Your knitting looks beautiful--I love those socks!

  7. Our furnace chose to DIE this fall to the tune of 5,000. It's very depressing to spend money on something so boring when there is so much fabric and yarn out there.
    Your socks are great! You are much more prolific than I am.

  8. Paula, I do not really know how to fix the error [no-reply at blogger]. Guess I will just keep visiting because I enjoy your blog.

  9. Hey sis, I totally relate to the money thing. Do you still have the woodstove as a backup? Life kind of sucks right now for everyone, I think. We are hanging in there, though.
    I don't tell you often enough, but I really, really admire you and your quilts. You are so talented and they are truly works of art. I use the one you made me everyday. I got a new brown leather sofa last year and it looks wonderful on the arm. I really like the socks you knit. Maybe, hint, hint, you could knit a bluish pair with heels for my huge feet? (Size 10) I bought a piece of foam and I am making myself an exercise mat. I don't mind that kind of sewing. It is the tailoring clothing that drives me nuts.
    Big hugs to you and CarGuy and Auntie when you see her, and The Kid. I miss you.
    Love, Bev

  10. Ouch - it's always something. The socks and hat are great.

  11. One thing after another. I've had times like that. You just about get enough together for one big project then another one calls for attention.
    One of these days you will have a new stove and a working heater, really. In the meantime you will have plenty of socks.
