First thing: I finished the "Sue" quilt. This is a low light photo to show the quilting.
Then COVID-19 struck. Since the hubs is immune-compromised we have been on semi self-isolation since March 1 and full self-isolation since March 20.
I'm making face masks for the medical industry (or veterinarians, or patients or whomever needs them) since the masks are in short supply. I belong to a group that does this type of thing. And I have a lot of fabric. Ya think?
All-in-all I've made 26 masks. I've given one batch to a nursing home and this next batch will go to hospice.
Someone in my 'hood has been painting rocks. This is the one I found at the base of our mailbox. Don't you love it?
I also have been making more quilt blocks. This is a stack of Delectable Mountain blocks.
This month has been so strange and I am reminded of a Grateful Dead song: What a long strange trip it's been.
Bless you! Take care and stay safe, my friend!