24 December 2006

Snow stakes

In the high country, the roads are marked with snow stakes. These stakes can range in length from 10-30 feet and are there to show the snow plows where the edge of the road is so the plow doesn't go off the road. Eventually, the roads are closed for the winter (Trail Ridge about 1/2 way down the page you will see a pic of a snow plow and a snow stake).

The first picture is of my front yard. Remember this post where I showed the new block wall? This picture and the last picture are the same scene and you can actually see this scene in that earlier post.

This is a neighbor digging out the street in front of our house. We are in the county and never in 30 years living here have the snow plows come down our street. We are on our own.

And here is my snow stake. Mr. Neighbor was kind enough to plow our curved drive, but I wanted to make sure that he knew where the block wall started. So I was out in 3 foot snow with my stake. I looked like I was searching for an avalanche victim. The purple ribbon is almost straight out in the wind.

It is snowing again and it's comin' on Christmas.


  1. Ohhh beautiful your foto,Paula!Have a great time of Christmas :))))

  2. It does look beautiful(she said from California *s*) Hope you got dug out a little by now.

  3. What a beautiful pictures and what a snow !!!!

  4. Paula, I've been thinking about you as they kept announcing all the snow and airport cancellations in Denver. Hope that the snow wasn't burdensome to you.

  5. Holy cow! Do you really live off of trail ridge road?
    but good for you for getting a snowblower! We're still using good ole backbreaking labor!
