18 June 2009

I Won Fibery Goodness

I won a fiber giveaway from Kelli. Ah, the beauty of these! The FQ bundle is from City Quilter in NY and is mainly architectural with one FQ of apples thrown in. Love it. I am seeing a city skyline from this, maybe. And the hand painted yarn -- it is beautiful and will become a pair of socks. I have never worked with the other which is Make Make and is 90% wool, 10% mohair. Each ball is 25g and I haven't figured out what to makemake yet. Included in the box from Kelli were a jar each of homemade apple butter and spiced oranges and a precious angel bookmark.

Thanks, Kelli, for a very special giveaway.


  1. How fun! I really love thoe brown fibery goodness there, I must say. Mmmm, yummy!

  2. Well, YAY! Happy to see such nice things found their way to you...now what will you make with these gorgeous fibers and fats?

  3. You lucky girl! I got to visit CityQuilter last summer - fun shop, for sure *S*

  4. I'm so glad you liked the box of goodies. Thanks for participating in the blog contest. Sorry it took me so long to reply. To say I'm swamped is an understatement. ~ksp

  5. What a great package of goodies! Enjoy using them.

  6. How fun! Those socks are going to be wonderful!

  7. Congrats, everything is pretty! Nothing like winning something!
